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Showing posts from April, 2021

What Sanni yakuma means to Sri Lankans: Examining Sanni Ritual Performances in COVID-19 epidemic.

  Introduction   With the COVID-19 epidemic spreading globally, Sri Lankans became more interested in searching for local remedies and age-old cultural practices to seek protection from the coronavirus. This paradigm shift led to a high demand in local ayurvedic medicine and adopting long-standing cultural habits as a means of staying healthy. These local cultural practices became the “new normal” for most Sri Lankans as having adopted a western style of life in pre-epidemic society. For others who were always appreciative of the value placed on ayurvedic medicine were not affected by the new cultural shift—old is good.   Similar, to overlooking the importance of local Ayurveda medicine is the cultural practices surrounding the ritual performance of the indigenous people of Sri Lanka. With the onset of colonization and modernization these ritual performances and its overall meaning to the society were ignored. Therefore, there is no better time than now to reflect up...